School is Out, Nature Camp is in!
by Kelly Beerman Nature Camp Coordinator It is that time of year again for VINS Natures Camps! It was certainly a wet and muggy couple of weeks, but the campers were having too much fun to even care about the weather. Despite the rain and humidity, all six camp sessions had many adventures, with campers…
VINS Raptor Camp Wrap-up!
By Katie ChristmanVINS Education Intern What has two legs, is full of energy and really, really loves birds? If you guessed a camper at VINS Raptor Camp then you guessed correctly! The last two weeks of raptor camp were bursting with excitement as kids grades 4-6 explored the world of raptors right here at VINS…
Raptor Camp Week 1: Fun, Friendship, Owls
By Katie ChristmanVINS Education Intern The first week of VINS Raptor Camp kicked off with a full 5 days of live bird programs, nature hikes, bird tag games and learning to hold a raptor on the glove just like the VINS educators (an activity highly-anticipated by the campers)! We still have Raptor Camp openings for…
VINS Nature Camp: Meet the Counselors
By Amanda CharlandCamp Programs Coordinator Summer camp was one of the most defining events in my life. Without those crafts, songs and activities there’s no doubt I would be a very different person today. Now that I’m older, I understand that camp is more than just activities. At camp, children have a chance to practice…
Farm Fresh Food — At VINS Camps!
By Amanda CharlandVINS Camp Program Coordinator I subscribe to the school of thought that food should be local, fresh, and simple. The best sandwich I’ve ever had – made while working on an organic farm here in Vermont — followed all of these guidelines. It featured crusty local bread smeared with fresh garlic goat cheese,…
Enjoy Nature in a Meaningful Way: Join a Camp Adventure with VINS
By Amanda CharlandCamp Program Coordinator Just a few weeks ago, my days were full of wolves howling on hilltops, bears lumbering through meadows, and occasionally, the need to dodge stampeding bison. I had the luxury of many amazing experiences in Yellowstone National Park, where I worked as a naturalist guide. There I discovered what John…