Master the ‘Figure 8’

If you are a licensed rehabilitator, in the process of earning a rehab license, or are a VINS volunteer, please join the VINS Wildlife Services staff at our Workshops for Wildlife Rehabilitators. In this series of seven courses, you’ll learn to perfect a “figure 8” wing wrap, plus much, much more.

The series, which begins Jan. 10 and runs through April, covers a variety of information pertaining to wild bird rescue and rehabilitation.

Participants may choose to attend some or all of the workshops, which include:
Jan. 10 Avian Anatomy & Physiology
Jan. 24 Avian Rescue & Transport
Jan. 31 Fluid Therapy & Emaciation Treatment
Feb. 7 Wound Management
March 7 Fracture Immobilization
March 28 Medications & Homeopathics
April 11 Baby Bird Care

During class, participants will work hands-on with medical materials (gauze, vet syringes, splints, etc.), and also with deceased bird specimens. VINS staff will assist students to be sure they understand the information and procedures taught in class.

Members of the public interested in learning how to rescue injured birds and transport them to VINS may attend the January 24 “Rescue and Transport” workshop at no charge.

For more information on each class, as well as costs, time and location, download a workshop flyer or call (802) 359-5001, ext. 212.

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