Look For It Now: Trillium

Look For It Now is a new weekly series on the VINS Nature blog. Each post will feature something in nature (be it a bird, a flower, a bug, a tree, etc.) that you can find (blooming, blossoming, breeding, nesting, etc.) right now in nature. We hope our Look For It Now series will inspire you to get out into nature and look around. There’s so much to see!

This week: trillium.

Trillium is a native spring perennial in Vermont and much of North America. It’s easy to identify with its 3 large leafy bracts, topped with a 3-petaled flower, which may be maroon or white in Vermont. These shade-loving plants can be found in moist wooded areas, often along roadsides and on the forest floor. Trillium’s season is coming to a close, so get outside and look for it now! (Photo by Meghan Oliver)

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