Helping Wildlife in Spring
by Lauren AdamsLead Wildlife KeeperSpring is a magical time in Vermont. From endless piles of snow and bleak, gray skies, we are starting to see signs of life. Bluebirds are gathering nesting materials, pairs of Canada geese are returning to freshly thawed ponds, and bears have emerged from their winter slumbers. Springtime is a big…
Book Review: The Snake and the Salamander
by Sara Evangelos VINS Docent with Nicole Meyer, Environmental Educator The Snake and the Salamander: Reptiles and Amphibians from Maine to Virginia Alvin Breisch Illustrations by Matt Patterson Johns Hopkins University Press 2017 Let’s face it: Reptiles and amphibians aren’t at the top of most people’s favorite animals list. Often, says author Alvin Breisch,…
The Yearly Cycle: Vernal Pools
by Anna AutilioEnvironmental Educator Trout Lily (Erythronium americanum) One of the most beautiful natural illustrations of the cycle of the year is found in the vernal pool. Often called “ephemeral”, these pools provide crucial, temporary homes for some distinct wild plant and animal species. Filling in the spring and drying in the summer, they track…
World Turtle Day (and a baby wood frog)
by Calah Beckwith, Lead Wildlife Keeperphotos by Linda Conrad, Guest Services Manager Hatchling Painted Turtle Turtles! They’re ancient and fearless and amazingly built. They carry a mighty defense system on their backs; they make precarious journeys through forests and neighborhoods and across roads to mate and lay eggs; and….they have ridiculously adorable and heroic babies. For…