VINS Research Updates
by Jim Armbruster, Lead, Center for Field Research Some exciting updates from the research world! July 2024 Broad-winged Hawk Monitoring The VINS Field Research team, in collaboration with Hawk Mountain’s Broad-winged Hawk Project, recently deployed a second transmitter on a Vermont Broad-winged Hawk. “Billings” was encountered at Marsh Billings Rockefeller National Historical Park in Woodstock,…
Locating Broad-winged Hawk Nesting Sites
by Jim Armbruster, Lead, Center for Field Research This summer VINS will be focusing on locating Broad-winged Hawk (BWHA) nesting sites with the hopes to trap and band at least six of them with GPS trackers like we did with Ottuaquechee, a female BWHA. There is little known about BWHA’s and our efforts will help…
Broad-winged Hawk Movement Update October 2023
After a summer of waiting we finally began to see movement updates for Ottauquechee!
Broad-winged Hawk Research
Broad-winged Hawks are small stocky hawks of the buteo genus commonly found throughout Northeastern and North central North America. Their backs are brown and they have chestnut barring on the chest and abdomen. They have a notable black and white striped tail visible during flight. They produce a high pitched whistle call which is an easy identifier, as they are more secretive during nesting season. Though they can be spotted in the thousands during migration. These huge flocks are called kettles.