Book Review: Happiness is a Rare Bird
Happiness is a Rare Bird by Gene Walz was published in 2016. Gene is a friend of VINS’ executive director, Charlie Rattigan, and supports our mission to motivate people to care about the environment through education, research, and rehabilitation, and the appreciation of birds. Review by Katharine Britton Successful birding requires stamina, perseverance, patience, and…
Book Review: The Snake and the Salamander
by Sara Evangelos VINS Docent with Nicole Meyer, Environmental Educator The Snake and the Salamander: Reptiles and Amphibians from Maine to Virginia Alvin Breisch Illustrations by Matt Patterson Johns Hopkins University Press 2017 Let’s face it: Reptiles and amphibians aren’t at the top of most people’s favorite animals list. Often, says author Alvin Breisch,…